Photograph Conservation & Restoration

LUCAS_Collections photographiques intervention en cas de dégât des eaux_Photographic collections salvaging water damage_Muse_2018

LUCAS_Collections photographiques intervention en cas de dégât des eaux_Photographic collections salvaging water damage_Muse_2018 Abstract: Intervention guide in case of water damage or flood in a collection of photographs. Résumé : Guide d’intervention en cas de dégâts des eaux ou d’inondation dans une collection de photographies.

LUCAS_ROTTIER_DENIEL_DANTIGNY_Traitement aux vapeurs d’éthanol des photographies gélatino-argentiques et de papiers altérés par des micro-organismes_Support Tracé_2018

LUCAS_ROTTIER_DENIEL_DANTIGNY_Traitement aux vapeurs d’éthanol des photographies gélatino-argentiques et de papiers altérés par des micro-organismes_Support Tracé_2018 Abstract: Library and archives collections are, for the most part, sensitive to biological contamination and, in particular, to molds. Many mass disinfection treatments have shown their utility and efficiency to disinfect widespread contamination on archival …

LUCAS_DENIEL_DANTIGNY_Disinfection of moulded silver gelatin prints with ethanol vapours_Topics in Photographic Preservation_2017

LUCAS_DENIEL_DANTIGNY_Disinfection of moulded silver gelatin prints with ethanol vapours_Topics in Photographic Preservation_2017 Abstract: This study deals with fungi damaged photographic gelatin and disinfection methods. It is based on the conservation treatment of seven silver gelatin developing-out prints on baryta paper, belonging to the Historical Library of Paris (BHVP). These prints …

VISCHI_LALANDE_LUCAS_Methods for cleaning brass mats from ambrotype and daguerreotype packages_Topics in Photographic Preservation_2017-EN

VISCHI_LALANDE_LUCAS_Methods for cleaning brass mats from ambrotype and daguerreotype packages_Topics in Photographic Preservation_2017-EN Abstract: In 2009 the Centre de conservation du Québec received a request for restoration of a composite photographic object from the collection of the Colby-Curtis Museum in Stanstead, Quebec. The object consists of twelve photographs mounted together …

LUCAS_THYSS_Caractérisation du liant des tirages Fresson quadrichrome_ Support Tracé_2016

LUCAS_THYSS_Caractérisation du liant des tirages Fresson quadrichrome_ Support Tracé_2016 Characterization of a Fresson four-color prints’ binder components Abstract: This work was performed during our second year of study at the Inp (National Institute of Heritage, Paris, France). It is dedicated to the binder of Fresson four-color prints, a pigment printing …