Chloe Lucas Conservation
Chloe Lucas Conservation is a private conservation company specializing in the preservation and conservation of fine art and archival photographs.
We provide high quality conservation treatment and preservation services following the Code of Ethics of the Canadian Association for Conservation of cultural heritage.
The conservation lab is located in Ottawa, ON in the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin People. We serve institutions and private individuals in Canada and internationally. Contact us to schedule an initial examination.
Client list
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
Association des Archivistes du Québec, Quebec City
Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa
Canadian Museum of History, Gatineau
Canadian War Museum, Ottawa
Centre régional d’archives de l’Outaouais, Gatineau
City of Ottawa Archives
City of Ottawa Public Art Program
Corkin Gallery, Toronto
Galerie Yves Laroche, Montréal
Library and Archives Canada, Gatineau
McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
Ottawa Jewish Archives
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Ottawa
Royal Ottawa Golf Club
The Image Center, Toronto
Toronto Public Library
Toronto University Fisher Library
University of British Columbia Library and Special Collections
Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris, France
Centre national des arts plastiques, Paris, France
Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France
French Ministry of Defense (Établissement de Communication et de Production Audiovisuelle de la Défense), Paris France
Musée national de la Marine, Paris, France
Parisienne de photographie, Paris, France
Société Française de Photographie, Paris, France
Chloe Lucas – Owner & Principal photograph conservator

Chloe Lucas holds a Bachelor degree in History of Art and Archaeology from the Sorbonne University in Paris.
She started working in conservation with a pre-program internship in a private photograph conservation lab in Paris in 2010.
Afterwards, she studied photograph conservation for five years at the Institut National du Patrimoine, under the supervision of Anne Cartier-Bresson. She holds a Bachelor and Master degree in heritage conservation, specialized in the conservation and preservation of photographic materials. Chloe Lucas graduated with honours from the Institut National du Patrimoine in 2016.
During her studies, Chloe interned as a photograph conservator at the National Gallery of Canada, Library and Archives Canada, the Canadian Conservation Institute, and in several private conservation labs in Paris.
Chloe opened Chloe Lucas Conservation lab in Ottawa in 2016, where she works for museums, archives, galleries, businesses and private individuals. Chloe is an accredited member of the Canadian Association of Professional Conservators and a Professional Member of the American Institute for Conservation; she also works as a part-time Photograph Conservator at the Art Gallery of Ontario.
Between her studies and professional work experience, Chloe has been a practising photograph conservator for over ten years. She has the abilities and knowledge necessary to conserve all photographic materials.
Research projects and publication
Chloe Lucas has an interest in scientific research in the conservation and preservation of photographic materials. She has led and participated in several research projects with other conservators and scientists, which have been presented at national and international conferences and published in scientific journals.
- C. Lucas, A.-S. Étienne, “Repair and Consolidation of a Large Format Broken Silver Gelatin Print on Melamine Particle Board”, Topics in Photographic Preservation, vol. 20, 2023.
- C. Lucas, N. E. Binnie, G. Hill, “Disinfection of photographic materials with ethanol vapours: Preliminary evaluation of the effects on chromogenic prints”, Journal of the Canadian Association for Conservation, Vol. 45, 2020. This research project was carried out under the Canadian Conservation Institute “Visiting Professional Program” and completed with the financial support of the Carnot Foundation and the American Institute for Conservation Photographic Material Group Professional Development Stipend.
- C. Lucas, V. Rottier, F. Déniel, P. Dantigny, “Traitement aux vapeurs d’éthanol des photographies gélatino-argentiques et de papiers altérés par des micro-organismes”. Presented at the Rencontres thématiques de l’ARSAG, Paris, France, May 3rd, 2018. Published in Support/Tracé, n°18, 2018.
- C. Lucas, “Photographic collections: salvaging water damage”. Published in Muse. Journal of the Canadian Museum Association, March/April 2018.
- C. Lucas, F. Deniel, P. Dantigny, “Disinfection of moulded silver gelatin prints with ethanol vapours”. Presented at the Biannual American Institute for Conservation Photographic Material Group winter Meeting, Kansas City, MO, USA February 10-11, 2017. Published in Topics in Photographic Preservation, vol. 17, 2017.
- C. Lucas, F. Deniel, P. Dantigny, “Ethanol as an antifungal treatment for silver gelatin prints: implementation methods evaluation”, Restaurator, vol. 38, issue 3, 2017.
- C. Vischi, A. Lalande, C. Lucas, “Methods for cleaning brass mats from ambrotype and daguerreotype packages”. Presented at the joint American Institute for Conservation – Canadian Association for Conservation Annual Meeting in Montreal, QC, Canada, May 2016. Published in Topics in Photographic Preservation, vol. 17, 2017.
- C. Lucas, E. Thyss, “Caractérisation du liant des tirages Fresson quadrichrome”, Support/Tracé, n°16, 2016.